Sunday, May 25, 2008


So recently I have been pondering upon what words I use and what they mean to me. For instance if I use a big word that I myself am not even sure what means, I think hmm what does that word mean, why is it a word, why can't people just say this, and stuff like that. Do not get me wrong I love words and I use them to my advantage any time I can, I have just been thinking about them alot. Weird thing to think about right? I guess, but, we use words everyday so I guess someone has to talk about them sometime.

Anyways, to what I want to talk about. Does anybody know how cuss words came about? I don't. However, lately I have been thinking, what would happen if every person just disregarded cuss words. What would our world be like. Seriosly, what if no one took offence or no one used them aiming toward harsh intentions? I think this world would be a better place.

On the other hand I think that it is just so stupid that a WORD can be bad. Whoever came up with that. Well, I thought that for a while, then I thought deeper, where do these words come from, you know, what is the source. Hate, or discontentment, or disregard to others feelings. I guess that it is sad but people must have made up "bad" words to call people. Nowadays we throw them around like they never had any meaning at all.

Then to my surprise some of our modernday curse words are words that actually do have a real meaning but I guess that somewhere along the line someone took it out of context and called someone or somthing that word and ever since it has been "bad."

I am sorry that you had to read such a crappy blog. I couldn't think of anything else to write so I wrote what was on my mind. Often what is on my mind is stupid and odd to hear. I will try not to write such lame blogs from now on.