Sunday, May 25, 2008


The sheer thought of writing my paper on something so disturbing is indescribably horrific. However unfortunate events result in unfortunate facts. It is the day that the complacency of ignorance gives way to the responsibility of knowledge. Abortion is wrong and there is no ethical explanation for why it is justified each and every day, each and every minute. My reasoning is not based on any religious bias or political belief, rather it is based the morality of humanity. Politicians lie and I am not fooled for they can not justify the homicidal clinics, the very crime scene where thousands of lives have been taken; stripped away from every human rights that we hold so dear to.

The question of whether or not abortion is right was asked to Presidential Cannadate Barak Hussain Obama. He responded saying "I am going to teach my daughters morals and values but if one were to slip up I don't want to punish them with a child." I don't know what kind of morals and values people usually instill in their children but I would like to think that murdering is not one of them.

Here comes the point in my paper where I let loose of all the horrific facts about abortion. The facts that the clinics, the government, and the media don't want you to know. Each day 4,000 innocent babies are killed from the reality of abortion. Can you bear the math? Each week over 25,000 babies have the most horrific crime committed to them. Furthermore 109,000 babies are killed each month, a crime hidden behind the name abortion. Each year 1.3 million babies are disposed of after what is suppose to be a simple procedure. Would it disturb you if I told you that 1/3 pregnancies end in abortion. Finally the worst of all since 1973 over 40 million babies have been aborted.

All of this may be surprising to you but it is the truth. Abortion ( still legally accepted) has killed more people than any other catastrophic event ever to occur in the United States of America. It may also surprise you that there is no debate when life of an embryo begins. Within the medical community they will tell you that life begins at conception.

At about 8 days after conception, the fertilized ovum implants in the lining of the uterus. It emits a chemical substance that weakens the mothers immune system. So that tiny body won't be rejected by the moms body. The body being fully alive and completely human is smaller than half an inch.

By the third week of pregnancy (about 21 days after fertilization) the heart begins to beat, pumping its own blood throughout the tiny human. The brain already haved formed, begins to divide into three sections, the fore brain, the mid brain and the hind brain. The same kind of brain and heart that you and I have, that of a human being.

During the next two weeks of pregnancy arms begin to form. The same arms that could throw a baseball, catch a football, or flex its muscles to brag about being strong. Also, legs begin to form, legs that could stand for the first time, holding and supporting its own weight. The same legs that could run a marathon for cancer patients or kick the base drum to the beat of a song in a famous band. Furthermore, the kidneys appear and the external part of the ear begins to portray from its head. Finally the baby's hands and wrist begin to form.

Beginning in the sixth week of the baby's life the brain emits waves that can be registered with an EEG. This is the way they determine if a baby is alive at birth. The heartbeat can now be heard with a special stethoscope. By this time the baby may be able to feel pain. Also, the bones begin to form.

At seven weeks of the pregnancy, startle responses are observed as well as female ovaries can be identified. By this time the embryos fingers and toes are separated. All these body parts are that of a human, a living being.

By the eighth week that the baby has been alive all of its internal organs have formed. About 90% of all structures found in an adult are now present on and in this human being. However the embryo is only about one and a half inch long. About 80% of 8 week old embryos demonstrate that they use their right hand dominantly over their left. The baby begins to demonstrate breathing motions (though there is no air present in the womb). Furthermore the kidneys begin to produce urine.

Now that you know that the creation of a human, baby, embryo, living being, or fetus (all the same of course) is an incredible process I want you to know this. It is the baby who initiates labor. The baby does this by stimulating the adrenal cortex, this releasing a hormone to cause the uterus to contract. It is the baby who decides the time to give birth.

It amazes me that anybody knowing this could possibly have an abortion. However, I do not think that any woman knowing what I just wrote would have this "simple procedure" done to the dependent fetus living inside her. I have read testimonies regarding women having had an abortion. They are not happy about it. Most struggle to carry on with their own life having known that they forbidded their child a chance in this world. They were lied to. Being told that having an abortion is an easy choice and that there is no shame in doing it.

The facts behind this are sad, depressing, and very heart breaking. I am a proud American, but not so proud of the things that go on in America. I am an American who thinks that murder is wrong and that abortion is homicide.

Note that in the last three hours of writing this paper over 500 babies were aborted.