Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Made Me Glad...

I will rejoice, for He has made me glad.

Your call, Your touch, Your voice. It sounds so beautiful. So mysteriously wonderful.

My soul, where have you gone. Come back my soul, come back.Come home. To the place where you belong. The potters wheel.

Come, and let Me mold you. Let Me make you pure. I love you son, I love you.

Do you? Do you Father? How so, How can you love so much. I say, teach me this love, form me into the man you want me to be.

I love you. O' how I love you. From every hair on your head, to every mood of your day. I love you. I delight in you, and I adore your life. I made you for that reason. So I can teach you to love as I first loved you.

Why the trials, the pain, the torture of my patience. Why not heaven on earth?

I love you, be strong! For surely you will endure, and surely you will persevere. I made you strong, my son, and strong you must be. At all times, be strong.

Show me Father, light the way so that this Adam may once again walk with you in the garden. But I will not hide. I will be naked of my pain. Naked of my sorrow. For I will rejoice, cause you have made me glad.

Know this. I am with you, always. Be strong. But be careful. He sets traps for you, so that when you think all is well, you will slip up. But come back, come home my son. Return to me always. And always you will live. Go home, always go home.