Friday, January 23, 2009

Love For The Wolves...

We will wear compassion,
We will wear it on our chests,
and sing with love at our throats
like a child, it's all I know.
-As Cities Burn

A child knows a few things.

They know who they belong to, who are their parents.
They know that they are loved and adored by most who see them.
They know what they like and what they don't like.
They love life and live it.
Among other things these three seem to sum most of it up.

Christ, throughout the New Testament, refers to us by several names. Brides, Sheep, even at times Goats. However the most appealing name he calls us by is Children. We are the children of the Father. Nothing more and nothing less is asked of us but to be His children.

The list above states a lot of what we are called to be like as Christians.
We are to know who we come from and to be proud that we are children of The Most High.
We are to know that we are loved, because he made the ultimate sacrifice for us.
We are to know what is good and what is bad, what we should approve of and what we shouldn't, what we should like and what we should dislike.

More importantly though we are called to love. Everyone, not just our fellow church goers. Not just our friends at school. And not just those who are in our close circle of peers. Everyone. That means the kid in your history class who makes bad jokes about you. The homeless guy sitting on the street. The people in the car in front of you who have to pull over because of car problems. Even those who persecute you. Show them love. I say this not just to you but also to myself.

I often struggle with loving. In fact, at times I would much rather just sit back and be hateful, not care, and to not invest myself. Wouldn't it be so much easier that way? It would. But that is not what we are called to do as children of God.

Luke 10:2-3
These were His instructions to them: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into his fields. Now go and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.

The truth is that life might be easier doing the things of the world, it may not. I know that me saying this is not anything that you have not heard but it is simple and to the point.


That is what we are called to do, among the wolves, love.


Adam Colter said...

good stuff marcus. we all struggle with loving others. we can actually "feel good" about someone without really showing love - doing something to bless them. Its a matter of the heart that must be translated into action. and i think we lern best by watching others do it. and i've seen you do it. its pretty cool