Thursday, November 6, 2008

Revelation Perhaps...

So often lately I have found myself complaining about the church and how much I think that the leadership has gone bad. I rant and complain but never offer up a solution. Well I was reading today and came across this. It explains everything oh so clearly to me. I hope it speaks to you as well.

"... Each Revolutionary consents to be personally responsible for his or her spiritual state-whether that's growth or stagnation. Complaints about the pastor, church staff, programs, or other obstacles disappear from the conversation: the onus is now on the believer to put up or shut up. The failure to develop a robust spiritual life becomes the responsibility of the person God intended: you.

This shifting of responsibility will affect all dimensions of spirituality. Besides personal growth, believers will bear the obligation for performing acts of community service, promoting the gospel, growing their family in faith maturity, worshipping God regularly, developing intimacy with God, understanding and applying the content of the Scriptures, representing the Kingdom in all walks of life, investing every resource they manage for holy outcomes, and being connected to a community of God-loving people. No more waiting for others to do the job; every Revolutionary must handle the duty TO BE the Church with dedication and excellence."
-Revolution, George Barna

I think it is funny how stupid I act and how God responds by slapping me on the head and says "Kid, this is how you are suppose to do things, you were WRONG!" I love it!!!


lindsey said...

Literally slapped you on the head?? haha

Marc said...

Pretty much...