Sunday, August 3, 2008

(The new )...I Love This Book

LINDSEY!!! I am so happy that you told me to buy this book. It is the most beautiful peice of literature I have ever read in my life.
This is a part of the first devotion, chapter, lesson.. whatever it is called.
Our time together is like a garden full of flowers, wheras the time you give to things is like a field of stubble.

I think that that is exactly where I am at right now. I long for my time with God and grieve the time when I am not with Him. I have seen many opportunities lately to minister to people and to help them through hard times and I am starting to see Gods purpose for me. That as to live devoted to him, while uniting all christians in service and in love. ( a little quote there from the pledge to the christian flag) But ya I mean that is what we are all called to do. To go and make disciples of every nation baptizing them in name of the father the son and the holy spirit.

I love you all,


lindsey said...

And it's just gonna keep getting better...I'm so excited for you!

lindsey said...

Oh my goodness I just realized that you totally stole my "On..." thing! You little copy-cat!!

Marc said...

Hey I know its yours but it was just fitting. I guess I will just have to make a little "ON" for myself. Got any ideas?

2011 said...

what book???

Marc said...

Its called come away my beloved. It is an amazing devotion.

2011 said...'s a good read. Bethany and I read it a few years ago. It's one that you go back to over and over again!