Sunday, December 28, 2008

Once Again... Why Not

Once, I wrote a post about how I think it would be so great to be stranded on an island, roughing it, surviving. To an extent there was some sarcasm in the post, but in a sense I was being some what truthful. I didn't really know it at the time, but now that I have finished season 4 of lost I realize that, well, it would be pretty cool.

Men dream of the chance to be, Men. That might not make sense so let me try to explain.

What glory is there in a mans life if there is not adventure. A risk. A chance, a chance to prove to everyone that they are men, worthy of a challenge, willing to accept, and able to succeed. I don't think that is too dramatic. I think that is how God made us men. To want to be daring, to live on the edge, that is how I am. God didn't make us men to be emasculated the way we are these days.

Think about it. Do we not have a daring and dangerous God? I think we do. And seeing as how we were made in his image is it wrong to also want to be dangerous, big, bad, and brave? Not dangerous in the murderer, crazed, insane man sense but rather the audacious, honorably noble knight in shiny armor way. I know that is what I want to be.

If you fellow guy readers are interested or intrigued by what I am writing then I suggest you read Wild At Heart by John Eldredge. He puts it a lot better than I ever can. If you have already read it then I hope that you can some how relate to this post.

And after you read the book it is helpful to watch every episode of Lost in a matter of weeks.