Once, I wrote a post about how I think it would be so great to be stranded on an island, roughing it, surviving. To an extent there was some sarcasm in the post, but in a sense I was being some what truthful. I didn't really know it at the time, but now that I have finished season 4 of lost I realize that, well, it would be pretty cool.
Men dream of the chance to be, Men. That might not make sense so let me try to explain.
What glory is there in a mans life if there is not adventure. A risk. A chance, a chance to prove to everyone that they are men, worthy of a challenge, willing to accept, and able to succeed. I don't think that is too dramatic. I think that is how God made us men. To want to be daring, to live on the edge, that is how I am. God didn't make us men to be emasculated the way we are these days.
Think about it. Do we not have a daring and dangerous God? I think we do. And seeing as how we were made in his image is it wrong to also want to be dangerous, big, bad, and brave? Not dangerous in the murderer, crazed, insane man sense but rather the audacious, honorably noble knight in shiny armor way. I know that is what I want to be.
If you fellow guy readers are interested or intrigued by what I am writing then I suggest you read Wild At Heart by John Eldredge. He puts it a lot better than I ever can. If you have already read it then I hope that you can some how relate to this post.
And after you read the book it is helpful to watch every episode of Lost in a matter of weeks.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Once Again... Why Not
Posted by Marc at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thanking on Christmas...
So this year I have been, well, thoroughly confused on the seasons and such. It doesn't seem like Christmas. It's not cold and we have yet to see some snow. On a typical Christmas season there is the anticipation of opening presents and spending time with family, but this year it just has not happened to me. I took part in the Christmas Eve service at church last night and still, it was not on my mind that I needed to get home cause the family is waiting, anticipating my arrival so we can begin to open the presents.
Call me a Scrooge but I am just not feeling the spirit of the season.
I am however very thankful. Wrong time of the year, [whose to say I can't be thankful anytime of the year, right?] maybe. I am just so happy with where I am at with my life. I have an idea as to what I am going to do once I graduate, and other reasons. My point is, I'm happy.
Maybe that is what I should be doing this holiday season. Just be happy, and thankful at that.
I love you all and I miss a lot of you. Merry Christmas!!!
Posted by Marc at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
I just finished reading a book called Enders Game. It is a really good read. I am looking forward to the rest of the series. Anyways, it has a really interesting story line, one that brought up a few thoughts that I would like to share.
Ender is a kid (as in the beginning of the book) who has been monitored three of the first six years of his life. They monitor him to see if he is able enough to join the International Fleet (which is like the worlds army in space). So he ends up going to school in space at the age of six. That is about as far as I want to go with telling you about the book. What I found so interesting about this book is the age in which he is doing some of the things he does. All that happens in the book (which is a lot) happens before his 12th birthday.
This book was written in the 70's so it is not like the author wrote it knowing of all the crap that is going on in our generation. Kid's are losing their childhood too quickly. They no longer have the chance to be kids. Their parents are loading their schedule with all kinds of extra curricular activities.
It doesn't help when sex and homosexuality and greed and hatred are being preached to us through the media. My nine year old brother is starting to ask questions. Mind that he has already had "The Talk". Where in their tiny heads do they draw the line between what is right and wrong? Sometimes it is even foggy for me.
Random I know, but it is just so disappointing.
Posted by Marc at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Marvelous Light...
"I can see the light that is coming
For the heart that holds on..."
"Into marvelous light I'm running
Out of darkness out of shame
by the cross you are the truth
you are the life you are the way"
"The Word gave life to everything that was created,
and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.
John 1:4-5 NLT
Be the LIGHT. Live in the LIGHT. Love in the LIGHT. Be everything that you are called to be in the LIGHT. So that someday, it won't be a challenge to be the light, because you will live among people of light. Living among the brightest light that has ever shone. The Light of God!
Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.
Philippians 2:14-15
Posted by Marc at 7:59 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ok so this whole inspiration for this new post came to me a whole hour ago so it's a little scratchy with the details. Forgive me if I don't clarify my thoughts wholly.
So often, in the media, movies, whatever; where ever, people are always looking for a sign. A sign from God to show them their way. The path that they need to take. The choice they need to make. Sometimes I just can't help but wonder if we are over examining what maybe just a normal happening. Is that crazy, I mean am I the only one who feels this way? I wish I had some philosophical or theological comparison here but I am going blank. I guess we do over examine things, I do. But then, on the other hand, I know that God does speak to us in weird ways. For some reason I really want to tie this together with all of my pre-destination and free will opinions. I'm a free will kind of guy. So I guess you could say that it's hard for me to believe that God would present a situation in which I suddenly come upon a life changing epiphany. I would rather believe that He presented the opportune moment but He didn't "make" it happen. I am not a puppet that didn't have a choice. It's more of a t.v. show or a movie, the script is written, but how well you play the role is up to you. Yeah, if that makes any sense. I think that a lot of our choices come down to the way that you look at your everyday life. How and on what premises do you make your decisions.
I had my chance to disciple today, and I failed to take it. The whole time I was sitting there, knowing what I was suppose to do, what I needed to do. That is what I am getting at though, we have the choice. So make it according to what that christian that you know you are would want to do. Not that false self that people see everyday. I think Eldredge says it well with the whole false self thing, however, I don't have it memorized and I don't have my book. I will just have to quote it at a later date.
Posted by Marc at 9:29 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What did I do...
What did I do to deserve that comment?
Google Earth
Your face, Your moms face, Your face feels nice
Tu Madre
Stop making everyone's life hard
3:10 to Yuma?
Story of my life
Pretty much
Point (Which I am winning, just so you know)
and of course, Jonathan's Face.
I think that covers it, yup.
Posted by Marc at 12:16 PM 6 comments