Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ok so...

Sorry I just deleted my last post. Here is the story. I got on and tried to read my comments but it didn't show up in a new window, it showed up under my post. Which is not how I have it set. So I thought maybe it was just the post so I deleted it. It didn't work. So I went into settings and made some adjustments and WALAH!!! OK so there is that story.

In response to my last post. A lot of the things I said could have sounded bad. Let me explain. To be honest, I am not where I used to be in my walk. That is opposed to a few months ago. A lot of my last post was very dramatic. I apologize. I am still a christian and I still believe in God. And I still love Him. I guess I just threw a little pity party. Forgive me? I felt like a stupid though reading your comment (Lindsey). Cause you weren't saying anything I didn't know. (No offense) I really don't know why I wrote all of the things I did. It was pointless and I am glad that I deleted it. And here I am again throwing my little pity party. As Drew would say it "Get over it!" So if you feel moved or led..... LOL

I think that we should fear hell. I think that God made it that way. But not to prompt us into loving Him. He gave us freewill. Therefore we can make that choice. Do I want to love God or do I want to do what I want? My choice is to love Him. We should fear God more than we should fear hell. Of course fearing God would come with loving God and I guess in that case you would not really have to worry about going to hell. That makes sense. I guess where that whole thought came from was me wondering about those hell and brimstone preachers out there who talk a lot about the wrath of God and of course hell. And I guess how their motive or should I say approach is to make you fear hell therefore love God. Which is how it is meant to be. That is where all of those questions came from. So don't fear, I am not losing it. The rest was true though. I think a lot of it is true for all of us at some point and time. We all get stubborn and selfish among many other things at some point in time. That is where the whole wake me up thing came from.

Okay so I think I have cleared up somethings and hopefully shared some worth while thoughts.

However I do want to read about your thoughts on predestination and freewill. It is something I feel very passionately about. I think you should make a post about it. All of you. Whoever reads this.


Rob said...

So Marc, I think your section in here about fearing hell is pretty good. I understand some people's approach in showing people what they think hell will be like in hopes of getting people to follow Christ. There intentions are good in the sense that they want people to love the Lord, but, just as you said, scaring someone into following Christ isn't the way it should be or the way it was intended.

Hell is a real place that God created, but we shouldn't love God because of our fear of this place. We need to love God because of who He ultimately is. We all have to remember that God first loved us, and that is the only reason we are even here. If the only perfect being, God, did not want to share Himself with anything, He wouldn't have created us in the first place. But instead, God created man because He wanted something else to have the chance to know the only perfect being. (I hope that makes sense when we read it and not just in my head) That is why we should love God. After all, God is love.

lindsey said...

Hey! Doesn't that sound familiar? :)

Marc said...

Yeah it makes sense. I figured it out. I love you Jared. Yeah it does kind of sound familiar only I understood what he was getting at more than what you put.