Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Viva la Vida "Living Life"...

As for the revolution, it is composed of millions of people who have already embraced the freedom and excitement introduced through new macro- and micro-models. The central message of the Revolution rings out from these experiences: Revolutionaries will respond to the presence and principles of God whenever and wherever possible, without regard to historical or societal inhibitions. The standard that concerns Revolutionaries is simple: does the mechanism provide a way of advancing my faith, without compromising Scripture or any of the passions of a true believer?

Revolution-George Barna

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thoughts by Eldredge...

'...Before Eve is drawn from Adam's side and leaves that ache that never goes away until he is with her, God gives Adam some instructions on the care of creation, and his role in the unfolding story. It's pretty basic, and very generous. "You may freely eat any fruit from the garden except fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (Gen. 2:16-17 NLT). Okay, most of us have heard about that. But notice what God doesn't tell Adam.

There is no warning or instruction over what is about to occur: the Temptation of Eve. This is staggering. Notably missing from the dialogue between Adam and God is something like this" "Adam, one more thing. A week from Tuesday, about four in the afternoon, you and Eve are going to be down in the orchard and something dangerous is going to happen. Adam, are you listening? The eternal destiny of the human race hangs on this moment. Now, here's what I want you to do..." he doesn't tell him. He doesn't even mention it, so as far as we know. Good grief-why not?! Because God believes in Adam. This is what he's designed to do-to come through in a pinch. Adam doesn't need play-by-play instructions because this is what Adam is for. It's already there, everything he needs, in his design, in his heart.'

All of that is not as much serious as it is funny, in my opinion. However, I think there is some truth in it. God could have told Adam what was going to happen. Eldredge thinks that it is because God believed in Adam. I think that is a good possibility. But I would like to expand some. Why would God believe in Adam if He is all seeing? If he knew what He was going to do then why would He believe in him. I guess you could raise the question, "how could God believe in anybody?" I don't know...

I have just recently found a new appreciation for Eve. I guess I have always had a bad opinion of Eve since I mean she ate the fruit and so on so on. But it was put into my perspective that Eve was the finishing touch of all creation. As Eldredge puts it in Wild at Heart, all was dark, then there was flowers, then animals, then Adam. "The triumph of God's handiwork." Then after that there is Eve. God's finishing touch. Eve, the beginning woman. I don't know. You got to appreciate that. I like Eldredge's remark as if he were talking from Adam's point of view. "Wow!" It makes me curious. How pretty was she? What kind of mother was she to her children? What kind of life did she live? What kind of woman was she? I think I can imagine what Adam was like. He was fierce, masculine, brave, and God fearing. It is just an incredible thought. What were these people like thousands of years ago. Sorry, it is just kind of mind blowing to me that's all.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


How would telling people to be nice to one another get a man crucified? What government would execute Mister Rogers or Captain Kangaroo?
-Philip Yancey

Safe? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good.

-I'll leave you to figure this one out. I knew who it was before I saw who said it.

I Missed You...

Why is it that every time I turn around there is provocative activity. It doesn't take much to see the world turning in lust, or homosexuality, or just simply sin. Why is it that the lost are so out of touch with what we are called to do. Maybe it is that they do know what we are suppose to do but simply refuse. I am watching a special on t.v. about South African children. Most of which have aids or don't have any living parents or brothers and sisters. We live in a country where everything we need is handed out or sold for a price. I feel horrible about these kids in Africa. Do you think some of these kids have had the chance to hope for something more than what they can see. I guess some of them have. I guess something I struggle with right now is 'do these kids or teens or adults who have never heard of God have a chance to get into the Kingdom.' I guess the same thought can be applied to mentally disabled people. Just because they can't understand that there is a God and how much he has done for us, does that mean that they don't get to go to heaven. I guess we will never really know until we get there. I would like to think that He shows mercy on these people. And at that, condemn us for not reaching them. I think that is fair. We are called to go and make disciples of all nations... I think that includes Africa.

Below is a statement of faith by Hillsong United. The song is called (appropriately enough) The Stand.

So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all

So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Back to the basics of blogging...

Have you ever found yourself wondering about how far we as human beings have come in the last 2000 years. Or even 200 years. It blows my mind that just a week ago I was at the Wheatleys house getting ready to head to Atlanta the following day. Just the thought that a week ago I was 500 miles away spending the weekend with some old friends. Or the thought that I can get to Guatemala in just a few hours. Call it the industrial revolution, or call it modern civilization, or call it whatever you please. How about the scary thought that we have weapons that can destroy single or multiple countries. It is all a little scary actually.

I guess what is even more mind blowing than all of that is how we can't come up with answers to the littlest things. We can answer the orbit speed of Mars but we can't figure out how to move mountains. We can answer how the ozone (which we can't even see) is deteriorating but we can't explain why people get cancer. We understand how to carry hundreds of people on a machine that soars through the clouds but we can't explain why a child is taken from their family. Or why good people have it so hard while bad people have it made. We have the ability to kill thousands with the drop of a bomb but we can't explain why God would give us that ability. That is to take a life.

Why would God give us the ability to do so much but leave us so stinking dumb. We are creatures of habit (quoted from sleeping at last) and when we are taken out of our comfort zone then we don't know what to do. When in all reality that is what we are called to do. Step up. Believe!! Trust not on your own understanding...!!! I love it. We tend to think that we are invincible that nothing can stop us but we are so dumb. There are so many questions I have but I guess I will just have to wait until the day comes that I get to see my Jesus face to face. I know he will have the answers. I bet He will have to correct some of the things that I thought I had all figured out.

I love you guys. I hope that this post (and the last) were worth reading.

Ok so...

Sorry I just deleted my last post. Here is the story. I got on and tried to read my comments but it didn't show up in a new window, it showed up under my post. Which is not how I have it set. So I thought maybe it was just the post so I deleted it. It didn't work. So I went into settings and made some adjustments and WALAH!!! OK so there is that story.

In response to my last post. A lot of the things I said could have sounded bad. Let me explain. To be honest, I am not where I used to be in my walk. That is opposed to a few months ago. A lot of my last post was very dramatic. I apologize. I am still a christian and I still believe in God. And I still love Him. I guess I just threw a little pity party. Forgive me? I felt like a stupid though reading your comment (Lindsey). Cause you weren't saying anything I didn't know. (No offense) I really don't know why I wrote all of the things I did. It was pointless and I am glad that I deleted it. And here I am again throwing my little pity party. As Drew would say it "Get over it!" So if you feel moved or led..... LOL

I think that we should fear hell. I think that God made it that way. But not to prompt us into loving Him. He gave us freewill. Therefore we can make that choice. Do I want to love God or do I want to do what I want? My choice is to love Him. We should fear God more than we should fear hell. Of course fearing God would come with loving God and I guess in that case you would not really have to worry about going to hell. That makes sense. I guess where that whole thought came from was me wondering about those hell and brimstone preachers out there who talk a lot about the wrath of God and of course hell. And I guess how their motive or should I say approach is to make you fear hell therefore love God. Which is how it is meant to be. That is where all of those questions came from. So don't fear, I am not losing it. The rest was true though. I think a lot of it is true for all of us at some point and time. We all get stubborn and selfish among many other things at some point in time. That is where the whole wake me up thing came from.

Okay so I think I have cleared up somethings and hopefully shared some worth while thoughts.

However I do want to read about your thoughts on predestination and freewill. It is something I feel very passionately about. I think you should make a post about it. All of you. Whoever reads this.