Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just a Thought

I find it striking that thousands of years ago a priest did all of your talking to God. They would tie a rope around his ankle just in case he had fault in his life. The priest had to be sinless or should I say forgiven of his sins; righteous or pure. But when Christ died everything changed. It amazes me how much things have changed. Now, us sinners, who's lives are full of lies, lust, envy, hatred, and all other wrong doings, can just talk to God when we want to and where ever we want to. Instead of making a sacrifice for our sins we just simply say "God will you forgive me of my sins" I mean we don't really even ask anymore. At least I know I don't. With me it is just kind of expected that God will forgive me and all I have to do is say the words. The funny thing is I don't always remember, because I am such a wretched sinner, all of the things I have sinned of.

It is just simply amazing that thousands of years ago the holiest of men could be struck down by God if they entered His presence with the slightest fault, and we basically (excuse the terminology) get to use God as a tool. Love Him when we want and demand forgiveness when we want all the while being completely in His presence all day long.

My point is this. I know that God is the same day after day for thousands of years now, and He never changed, but I can't help but ask myself, "How is it that we are all not dead?'' It shows me that my fear of the Lord is not where it should be, and that I got a lot of work to do with my walk.

Maybe this is all just me in my life. I don' t know what you are going through. I hope that we can relate on some terms through all of this.

He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.
But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priest, a holy nation, Gods very own possession.
1 Peter 2: 8-9

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So I realize that recently I have been a crappy blogger. I apologize for that. I guess this one is not much better. I just haven't had much inspiration lately. So I thought I would right this one on what is going on in my life.

So it was the 5th of September, around 10:00 am and I was sound asleep, when my phone began to ring. IT WAS DREW!!! I had not really talked to him in a couple of days so it was a big deal. However, it being a real big deal; it was not really a big deal because I was sound asleep, if you catch my drift. I answered saying hello and he responded by saying "let's go on a mission trip." It really caught me by surprise. He went into this whole rant about how he had just finished this book called "Revolution" (Which is a really good book and you should read it) and how it had changed his whole outlook on his faith. So after him asking me if I wanted to go, with my response being yes, he said let's go to Peru. The Amazon Jungle. So I got online and checked out the details on the trip and was instantly pumped and ready.

I guess I was not really ready yet. God has a lot in store for me before I go. Anyways, so we prayed about it over the weekend and started filling out our applications on Monday. It took a while but finally I got to set up a phone interview which really Drew set up for me which is a long story. So my phone interview was yesterday and I was freaked out. The night before I had gotten absolutely no sleep at all and was really out of it. In fact most of the stuff I did yesterday I can't remember if I actually did it of if it was just a dream. So the interview. I was expecting a girl to do the interview ( cause that is who did Drew's ) but no, it was the head honcho of Ambassadors trips for AIM. So I was a little spooked and really out of it. lol But at the end of the near hour interview he told me that I had been excepted to the trip. So I am going to Peru. Now I am waiting for the "special email" that will have all I need to know about the trip inside it. So yeah that is about all I got right now.

O yeah and Lindsey You are some kind of dumb. Just thought I would remind you. LOL